Tuesday, January 31, 2012

22.7 % possible profit trade : UCO

Here is a trade I thought that has a potential for 22.77% returns in next 12 months.
Please look at the option prices for UCO. Today it closed at 40.28. The strike I like most is at money i.e 40$. I buy a covered call with january 13 40 strike option, I will have a debit of 40.28-7.7 = 32.58. If by next january 13, UCO is above 40, you will make 40-32.58=7.42. So percentage returns=7.42/32.58=22.77%. If it is below 40, UCO is yours to keep to sell more options as well as premium received. Also you are protected till 32.58.

Though word of caution, UCO is leveraged ETF, 2X bullish on crude oil. So if crude oil tanks because of economic concerns or our green brothers come up with some means to to get rid of oil you are screwed 2X. But if you are bullish on oil, this is a good trade for you.

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