Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel peace prize and Obama

By now every one is aware that Obama has received Nobel peace prize. 2008 Prize winner,Martti Ahtisaari received it after 3 decades of continued efforts for peace. Mahatma Gandhi never received it.
No offence to president Obama but is it not too early? Surely he is trying to bring some peace in world and middle east (middle east has equal number of problems as rest of world) but we are yet to see some concrete measures in that direction either in terms of Afghan war or nuclear disarmament or Middle East itself etc.
They should have waited till he finish his first (I am sure he will win next term too) term unless now a days Nobel prize is given in advance to motivate the "chosen one" to promote peace. Now he may have to think twice or more if he has to take some drastic steps to control terrorism or protect interest of US. But if motivation is the reason for prize, world would be in more peace if its awarded to Iran's Ahmadinejad. Right now he is being a pain in the ass for every one.
Hope fully 'this' Nobel peace prize do not have similar fate of 'that' Nobel prize awarded to Al Gore for his 'efforts' to increase awareness about Global warming or environment and land up in some 10000 sq ft mansion as a show trophy.

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